Sunday, 21 January 2018

MeteoLecce (10): It's online!

In the night between January the 20th and 21th I finally published my first app "MeteoLecce" on Google Play!
We have to celebrate... with water! (I'm almost abstemious...)

Icons made by Freepik from is licensed by CC 3.0 BY

You can find it on Google Play 

My first app on Google Play!

Rate me if you want (above all if you come from Lecce :D )

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

MeteoLecce (9): new design!

I want to update the development of my app MeteoLecce. I'll start we the two following pictures:

The main activity of MeteoLecce
Do you see some changes?
I reduced the information on the first activity and I compacted them; in this way we have a much simpler reading of them (I also introduced the colors).

The activity related to the next 3 days weather forecast

Relating to second activity's infos I added 4 icons for each day (at the times: 0 - 6 - 12 and 6 P.M.). Tempeatures are two: high/low.

I hope to share my app on Google Play soon.