Saturday 8 September 2018

Why I cannot create a great startup here

My first (and last in temporal order) startup it was not so brilliant. A group of young man who tried to make a dream come true. It does not matter what kind of dream.

We was, apparently, one of the best group that anyone could imagine:
  • numerous: 5;
  • relative young: from 20+ to 30+;
  • different figures: designer, developers, manager...
  • a good idea.
but...someone could say, as usual, that

"We didn't have a common vision."

but...reading better the situation and, above all, reading an important book[1] I noticed that 

"We weren't not quite similar"

Yes. This is the real question as in each moment of our life. To feel good, to work well we have to be with someone who is similar to us.
So, If don't find someone with my same workaholic that doesn't share my vision I'm not likely to create a startup here.
But I know that it's important to fail in the startup's world.

[1] A. Dusi, Come far fallire una startup ed essere felici, BOMPIANI, Aprile 2018

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